Fluid time; static time and flow.

Time is a fluid thing.  It washes through our cupped palm like water.  No matter how we try to hold on to it, it still escapes us a drop at a time.  Yet. . . it also sticks like pulled taffy, lengthening when we most want it to snap and sticking greedily to precision when we wish it would last.

I just read one of my favorite author, Mitch Albom's, "The TimeKeeper".  This very principle was keenly expressed through the vivid tale of Father Time himself.  I doubt I'll ever look at my own hourglass in the same way.

I remember when I was a child, I dreampt that I could stop the world for just one night.  What could I do to make a difference?  I was fast asleep, but I remember the dream as if it was a Hollywood Academy Award winner with sets, scenery, costumes and special effects that weren't even in existence in the 60's.  (I'm dating myself aren't I?)  I remember the longing I felt when I realized that I had the power to do anything, change any life, make a difference.  With that power, I had the power of flight and of instantly being wherever I wanted to be instantly.  Think it and I was there.  What did I choose? 

Before I tell, let me also qualify that I believe strongly in the constitution.  I believe in freedom of choice more powerfully than any other principle I think.  I also believe that there are consequences that can't be re-chosen after a choice is made and acted upon.  That said, I don't care to have this turn into a discussion on the second amendment.  However it was my dearest wish that if I could do anything, I'd remove every type of gun and personal explosive device from the face of the earth.  Gather them all up and bundle them up in a sort of fiber bound impenetrable bag and sent it into the atmosphere.

What if time is more fluid than we imagine?  What if we just breathe through the moments, relishing the good ones without wasting the joy in a pool of wishing for more?  What if the difficult ones were breathed through, like labor pains with the belief that something incredibly worthwhile waited to take a gulp of life at the next moment?  Would that change things? 

So I was going to apologize. To whom I'm not certain.  I don't yet have a large readership, and even if I did at one time, a two year hiatus quite possibly doused it. To myself perhaps?  I'm a finisher and leaving something undone is against my better nature.  Can a blog even be finished? Of course not, it is open-ended, a continuous flow. . . kinda like life. 

So. . .hello, again. 



  1. Well hello! I was surprised to see you in my feed :) looking forward to hearing more!

  2. Yes, I'm well. . . considering doing more? I'll give it that much. :: laughing ::

  3. And hello again! Time flows faster than we expect!


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