Risky Business

Only by taking risks can we hope to accomplish
the extraordinary –

Spark – Circ de Soleil
- John U. Bacon, Lyn Heward

When you were little,  did you ever get in a tree swing and kick off as high as you dared?  Did you feel the surge of reaching for the sky and free falling backwards into who knew what? I did.  It was risky, the branch could break, there could be someone behind you, you could fall, the seat could break. . . but we did it anyway.  Anyone regret it?  I don’t.  

Now however I have a bit more  trouble kicking high and free-falling.  In Circ De Soleil, they take risks.  They do something crazy, they try new things and we (at least those who have been fortunate enough to see a show) benefit from the amazing experience.  Nothing however will happen, if they don’t first get on the swing, kick off into the unknown, and well. . . see what happens.  

Sometimes we do fall.  We can put our hand on hour chin and say, hummmmm. . . wonder why that didn’t work?  Then try again with adjustment.  If it still doesn’t work, are we a failure?  Nah.  Just eliminated another wrong answer!  

I don’t know about you, but I want something extraordinary.  I want to be able to step beyond the ordinary and come to a place where I know I’ve kicked as high as I can, used all the rope I have available, used the sturdiest branch and touched my toes to the sky.  

How about you?


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